Monday, October 3, 2011

Podcast Reviews

The Thundering Herd:

The Thundering herd is a type of podcast that is actually also a radio show.  They take the entire show and turn it into a podcast once the entire show has been  aired.  This type of podcast is a great idea for those who cannot watch or listen to a show at a given time.  They can download the show once it has been posted and listen or watch it whenever or however they please.  Although it is considered a "podcast" it is actually just the same as the show.  One thing that they could do better is maybe add some behind the scenes stuff or make it so that it is different than the show, making it more enticing for people to watch or listen to it.

Fantasy Football Focus:

Fantasy Football Focus is a podcast that focus specifically on one item as opposed to a bunch of different topics.  They talk about different players that should or should not be played on a fantasy football team in a given week.  The cool thing about this podcast is that it is available only online.  This makes people who play fantasy football want to actually watch and listen to it.  Something they could improve upon with this is marketing it better.  Not too many people know about it so maybe if they advertised it or tried to plug it on another show people would know about it.

The Onion News Network:

The ONN is a satirical video newscast that takes current events and twists them into funny situations that are different than the real-life.  They use video and pictures to create what would seem to be a real life newscast if you did not know that it was satirical.  A video element in this podcast makes it a lot different than others as it can bring a different element to the ability to tell a story.  They do a great job of re-creating a news set and newscast.  What they do need to work on is their ability to tell the story as sometimes some storiesw are different than others.

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